
You should travel as much as possible, for as long as possible, although it isn´t always feasible or practical. But it might be worth it.

Just like anything in life, you need time and the experience itself to really develop a sense of what you are looking at and why it should matter to you.

A good reason to travel is that it can create a real sense of awareness and beauty in the world. Even simple tasks, such as going to the supermarket or riding a train, are transformed into unique experiences. Very interesting things, such as visiting historic places, seem to echo with intention and meaning. You can feel changed from having the experience or even knowing that certain things are possible.

Once you have returned to your normal life, you realize that you can take this perspective home with you. Remembering what it’s like to be a traveler, you can turn this insight and apply it to your own life. While you won´t have the sense of seeing something for the first time, you can realize what is really valuable and unique in your day to day life that you might have taken for granted. You will also find that you greatly enjoy showing people who visit what it is about your home that matters and is unique.

Another important reason to travel is that you will meet people who have different perspectives about the world and a different set of values. You can learn from them, just by being around them. These are interesting, enriching conversations. If you spend enough time in a place, you can get a sense of how a community thinks and can contrast it with your own worldview. It is very interesting to consider things from a different perspective or to read a foreign newspaper and see clearly the equally valid point they may be a making. Different cultures provide different lenses for viewing the world.

Beyond seeing different places, trying strange foods, or understanding the world from a broader perspective, the best reason to travel is that you will find great friendships. These friendships are lasting, important and meaningful. Whether these are fellow travelers you run into or people who have welcomed you in a foreign place it doesn´t matter, the time you spend will be well worth it.

Even if you only have two weeks to travel to a new place I suggest that you go. Why not?


Thoughts about Photography