Trouble writing

When writing these little articles, I realized how hard it is to come up with new content each week. If you look back at my collected writing the time stamp shows that I haven´t been successful. That´s OK, I am recommitted to writing once a week again. We´ll see. It is easy to talk but actions speak louder than words. Expect consistent writing, that´s all I can promise.

The problem with writing is that it is easy to get caught in the trap of waiting for things to be better, ie being more knowledgeable, more complete ideas, better research, more interesting things etc. This sounds like perfectionism but falls more in the category of waiting for things to be perfect to start. They never are. One needs to just start. I read somewhere that “the reality of getting something done is more satisfying than the dream of getting it perfect.” Interesting idea, but it would be easier to say, just get started despite thoughts, feelings, expectations, mental chatter. You can only learn by doing, you can only learn by failing. You need to look foolish and make mistakes, that is the only way past the novice level. 1

The idea that only creating things at an expert level has value is a harmful and limiting idea. I think that this is a subcurrent in our shared mental expectations and cultural boundaries, the “bookends” of our understanding of the world which are so difficult to sidestep or see around. Anyway, I feel that I am not alone in falling into this trap. Ironically the vast majority of people are supportive in any creative effort and non judgmental, despite the hellish nature of online criticism and anonymous bullying.

Well, perhaps you don´t believe me. I´ll offer some evidence. How many people have you seen singing lately, informally, socially with friends, or in bars. Most likely no one. It’s a common belief that only expert singers can sing, and the rest of us can be silent. Why? How many amateur musicians play in public, even though people love music and would want to hear it? I haven´t seen many. Most practice at home and maybe play for friends occasionally.

Its worth stating that even if your creative effort never passes the average stage of achievement, it still has value and meaning. Anyway, I am going to post several ideas I was working on but was too lazy or had no time to post before. In the words of D.H. Lawrence, “I meant to, but it was only accidentally not so.”

** This is almost textbook CBT psychological theory which is well worth reading about.


How big is the Universe?


Two excellent resources: “Your Deceptive Mind” and “The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe”