Three Guitarists

These are a few of my favorite artists:

Berta Rojas

I had the opportunity to see Berta perform live as well as attend a master class. Berta talked about how music takes place “heart to heart” between the performer and the listener. This is evident in her playing which is both skillful and joyful. There is a great authenticity in Berta´s playing. What struck me about Berta was how humble she was. During the masterclass she spoke to the students as if she was one of the students herself.

La Catedral by Barrios – Berta Rojas is usually considered one of the greatest interpreters of Barrios.


Ana Vidovic

Ana is one of the most well-known classical guitarists today. It is well deserved, she is an incredible artist. From her playing it is clear that she has tremendous work ethic, dedication, and talent.

Live Concert in Lambrechta - A recent concert.

Guitar Artistry in Concert – Very well done. Played with great skill.


Marcin Dylla

I recently discovered Marcin´s work. He is a tremendous guitarist.

Ständchen by Schubert – Excellent playing. Dylla has been called the greatest guitarist of his generation.


Heike Matthiesen's Incredible Playlist


Thoughts on JS Bach